D:\0001\mydoc\bphoto\0309~0912\03.0401。The photo was taken in Apr 2004 要處理的 事項 。List 5月2日後會收到 報稅表 。After May 2nd, will receive the tax return. 要小姐將IR56B發給我來填薪俸(這個欄目)。 Appoint w the Chinese Doctor. D:\0001\mydoc\a01\b.photo\0000\pho01\family\ys。The photo was taken in Feb 2003 (rare photo of my couple). 日記 diary 24.05.01星期三Wed 今天用outlook發出&收email,但要兩三個鐘才能夠在郵箱中可以找到。很像20多年前在船公司的情況。Today I used Outlook to send and receive emails, but it took two or three hours to find them in the mailbox. It is very similar to the situation in the shipping company more than 20 years ago. 24.04.29星期一Mon 洗澡後有驚慌,會影響我的食慾。Having panic attacks after bathing affects my appetite. 24.04.27星期六Sat Restart using mail as reminder. 24.04.26星期五Fri The weather in Hong Kong will be rainy for next week. 24.04.25星期四Thu 明天可能會拉肚子。I might have diarrhea tomorrow. 24.04.24星期三Wed To buy sweet potatoes, but they are dirty. The cheque book was put into the mail box by the postman. 24.04.21星期日Sun The weather in H...