上列圖片是中國新年(2024)初四去蓬瀛仙館。The photo above shows the fourth day of Chinese New Year (2024)in Fung Ying Seen Koon. 要處理的 事項 List 2月底前要從聯名帳轉帳去儲蓄帳戶。At the end of February, transfer should be made from joint account to Savings account,. 電費113.44(是1月的數字),在2月底做pay (expense)時不要計入此數字。Account for electricity at the end of February should not include the 113.44 which was figure for January,. 要求法團加我入whatsapp group。Request be made to the incorporated owner for adding me in the whatsapp group,. 打電話去水電舖問有無電池。Call up the shop for battery,. There is entry in outlook calendar about ER that will be received in April. The keyword is tax. 有空的時候,煮綠豆來吃。When you have time, cook mung beans and eat them. -華為地址(Address of Huawei Mobile Phone in Hong Kong) HUAWEI 沙田新城市廣場體驗店 地址: 沙田新城市廣場一期 L6 商店 607 Sha Tin MTR station, Exit A 開放時間:11:00 – 21:00 -boc credit card 確認收卡電話21049222。 -洋紫荊的花期在十一月至三月,紅花羊蹄甲由十月至十二月,而宮粉羊蹄甲的花期則是初春的三月。 https://www.greening.gov.hk/tc/resource-centre/plant-species-knowledge/special-topics/index.html ...
D:\0002\0pic\0shamkarl-pic\flower 緊急時的財政安排。Financial arrangements in times of emergency. refer to private post below https://www.facebook.com/karlshamhk/posts/pfbid02KHjWuxkRDf8pWasBWfSJgueA7fLTRpCBcXDDjmxKLKWocjehejrK4zhkPcb3gPq7l Pay電費時要留意有應付費用 。Pay attention to the charges payable when paying your electricity bill,. 公共圖書館(public library matters) 所有圖書館將在農曆年初一至年初三全日休息,於農曆年初四重新開放。 圖書館參考編號: 758609621 (建議記下此編號以便日後查詢) 預約地理2.06;2.07轉移;2.14(PM)待領;2.15借書 借美國史 Schedule Wipe the dust,. 22nd to see the Chinese medicine doctor,. to place the authorisation form in the mail box. 23rd (Friday), there will be outdoor activity, starting at 8:30AM,. 26th is the last day to place the authorisation form in the mail box. By the way to deposit the cheque in the bank,. 28th renewal of the books,. Meeting at night,. 23-24免稅額&稅率跟上年是一樣(except child allowance)。 新冠XBB疫苗 https://www.chp.gov.hk/tc/features/106934.html Account terms 試算表 Trial Balance, Spread Sheet. 檔案 File. 工作表 Worksheet. 在24.05.01外幣的人民幣200,轉為...